
Advertise Here

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If you need to advertise your brand’s product and services, at Café Grévin par Europawe have a solution for you. Our magazine has an excellent spot in Google’s ranking, which results in millions of visits every day. You can take advantage of this exposure opportunity and at a low cost.

We have several options for you to consider, from banners to mentioning you in one of our related articles and recommending you to our readers on premium content. Each of our advertisement strategies is carefully designed to be efficient in reaching your target audience.

Those companies or individuals that want to promote products or services within the field of wellness, will always have better results working with us. Although we are open to any queries, we are aware that our audience is more likely to be interested in certain topics such as green living and wellness, eateries, among others.

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For non-profit organizations that promote healthy eating habits, we have a special place and offer advertisements entirely for free.

For organizations that contribute to building food pantries and other such establishments, we provide great discounts and will do everything in our power to get you sponsorships. We work hand-in-hand with several local farmers that are always willing to help those helping hands.

Regardless of what you want to advertise, our team will receive your query and engage in fulfilling the previously agreed on with you. Given that we want you to be successful, we pay attention to every little detail to achieve perfection in this task.

If you want to submit your query, just get our contact information and send us the banners or ideas for mentions within articles belonging to the category you feel fits best. We typically reply in a timely fashion and accept all credit cards.

For those wanting to pay through a digital wallet, we offer you the option of paying with PayPal and bitcoins.